My Story

I am born and raised in the Netherlands, close to the city of Amersfoort (1995). In my childhood I have always been drawn to the Arts, in terms of Music, Acting, Sculpting and Painting. My most special memory of this period is to have performed as a singer in Het Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, in collaboration with Jaap van Zweden (Othello) and Ivan Fischer (Matthew Passion).


After I finished my secondary school I started with a Bachelor course in Groningen, but soon I had the insight to change my life's course. After my second year I left the Netherlands and moved to Italy, where I eventually lived for four years. After one year of Italian language classes I started in 2017 with a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts at Link Campus University in Rome. In 2020 I graduated in the direction of 'acting'.


As an artist I believe that a sublime creation can only be the fruit of a natural inner proces. Through this inner process, a creation will take form in a harmonious dance between knowledge and intuition. This is in fact an ancient concept that has been mentioned in literature form Greece, China, India and Egypt. Therefore, my intention is to infuse my creations with the teachings of our ancient forefathers to create a world with more peace, harmony and beauty.